Were You There? 40th Anniversary of the 1st North American Permaculture Conferences.

5-9-81 - Song Circle - Maritime Permaculture Conf
5-9-81 - Song Circle - Maritime Permaculture Conference

In the spring of 1981 more than 400 advocates for new approaches to agriculture in the Northwest met at the first two permaculture conferences in North America. On the weekend of April 3rd to 5th the Interior Northwest Conference was held at the Sagle Community Hall, near Sandpoint, Idaho, and the weekend of May 8th to 10th the Maritime Northwest Conference was held at a camp overlooking the Columbia River near Corbett, Oregon.

This is a story-telling page where you can share your experience either at the first conferences or other permaculture events over the years and the ways in which the events and the people you met there helped shape your lives. If you have photos from the 1981 conferences, we include a method for you to share them to become part of the permanent archive.

* indicates a required input.

You were a part of history. Your story is significant. Please tell us-- tell the world: What was going on in your life in 1981 that brought you to a permaculture conference? What do you remember about it? What effect did it have on your life? What have you done since then? Your story will become part of our celebration of this 40th anniversary remembrance. Thank you!
If you have photos from either the 1981 Idaho conference or the 1981 Oregon conference, we would love to include them in the historical archive we are assembling. Even if you don't have a picture from the conference, we would also welcome a photo of you. How about a photo of you then and now?

Please follow this link if you have digitally-scanned versions of the 1981 permaculture conference you attended to upload them. But don't forget to finish and submit this form!

If you only have the original prints or negatives, you can send them to our web designer and he will scan them for you and return your originals. Send them to:

Chrys Ostrander
7034C Highway 291
Tumtum, WA 99034

Please include with each photo: Your name and return address, which conference you photographed, photo subject, name(s) of people in the photo if known, any other notes.

Please tell us you are not an evil robot.