In 1990, FTS started the Travelers Earth Repair Network (TERN). TERN was an international WWOOF-type program specializing in Asia, Africa and South and Central America, as well as the USA. TERN linked travelers with individuals and organizations in countries around the world involved with sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture, permaculture, restoration and environmental issues.
TERN grew gradually and steadily for the first 6 years and our TERN database built up to 4,000 addresses from 100 countries. Over the years we have had 400 farms, communities and organizations sign up to become TERN Hosts offering living arrangements and hands-on involvement, 300 of them overseas.
Over the past decade we have sent TERN lists to over 500 travelers. TERN reached its height in the mid-90s and has been tapering off since, because my energies are being spent more in the field and less in the office. I have just decided to suspend TERN's services until someone volunteers to put time and money into doing a round of verification and updating of the hosts and listings in the database. Anyone interested in volunteering, or purchasing TERN?
In the meantime, the program I most recommend for the USA is the website They have about 300 hosts, most in the USA but some in other countries. Check it out if you are interested in being an organic volunteer or a host.